Ancestor Reconnect

Reconnect with your ancestors through your family history.

About image
Ancestor Reconnect is based in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England.  The company specialises in Yorkshire searches but research is available beyond the county. Primarily I use online searches to trace a family line but I also offer a service of visiting libraries and archives when a more advanced research is required. A report will be given for any amount of research done.  The amount of detail given in the report will reflect the amount of research asked for.  Even if no relevant information is found within the allotted time, a report will explain what searches have been made and will suggest the next step to finding your family.

Starting Point image
You may be looking for a Family Historian because you always wanted to trace your family but have no idea how to start or you would prefer someone else to search for you.
It may be that you have got so far and have reach a 'dead end' or 'brick wall' with your own research.
Most people starting out may already know who their grandparents were but some may not.
My own story was that I knew who my grandparents were but I was motivated to trace my family history by a comment by my maternal grandmother that she did not know when her father's birthday was. This was back in the 1980's and there were no online searches available then. Searches for records were mainly done through the General Register Office (GRO) at St Catherine's House in London -where the indexes for Birth, Marriage, Death & Adoption records were to be found in large bound volumes. Today these can be found sat at home on your computer, tablet or mobile.
All sounds easy doesn't it? To some extent it is but you still need to know how to research and decipher documents to find what you are looking for.  It is not just a case of typing a name into a search engine and your whole family tree appears. It takes work and may take years. The Who Do You Think You Are? experience is not something that happens on a regular basis.
It is important that you can give a family historian as much information as possible when you hire them. Searching for John Smith, year of birth unknown, place of birth England would be difficult for any genealogist or family historian to find.


Most recent additions to website. Click on title for more information. Updated April 2022.

1921 Census

The 1921 Census is now available via the website Find My Past. Although searches are free there is currently a fee to view the original documents.


Family History groups I manage on Social Media. Click on title for more information.

  • Pontefract, England, United Kingdom
  •  My business hours vary depending on which projects I am working on but you are free to email or message me here or on Facebook at any time and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

 I started my journey into my family tree way back in the 1990's. All I wanted to do was find out who my dad's father was. Over the years things got in the way. Until now! My childhood friend, Debby, offered to help me. Meanwhile, I found out my dad's father's surname. Lots of talking to now family members, revealed to me who my paternal grandfather was. I gave this information to Debby and she researched my family tree and got all the documents printed up for me. Debby did a sterling job and it must have took her ages to sort it all out. I would like to thank Debby for her time and the sterling work she did for me. I wouldn't have got anywhere without her help. Thank you Debby 

LInda, Castleford (September 2019)

 I'd done a little research into my father's family and ground to a halt because I could not find the records I needed. I contacted Debby and she found what I needed very promptly, solving a couple of family mysteries along the way. I highly recommend this friendly and professional service. 

Kathryn, Pontefract (November 2019)

I have recently completed the Family History Skills and Strategies Intermediate Course (March 2022) through Pharos (in association with the Society of Gennealogists) with a distinction.
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